Comparative Study of In-Vitro Anti-Coccidial Efficacy of Allium Sativum and Carica Papaya

Author Details

Udo, E. J. and Abba, A. M.

Journal Details


Published: 23 April 2018 | Article Type :


A comparative study was carried out to evaluate the in-vitro anticoccidial efficacy of aqueous and powder extract of A. sativum and C. papaya. A total of 4800 unsporulated but viable oocysts of Eimeria species isolated from naturally infected chickens were exposed to dry crude extracts powder concentration of 2.5g, 5g and 10g and aqueous concentration of 2.5g, 5g and 10ml/litre of water of Allium sativum and Carica papaya extracts in distilled water (g/L) and (ml) respectively. Oocysts were examined under phase contrast miscroscope and number of sporulated oocysts from the earlier unsporulated oocysts exposed to each concentration was counted at 1hr, 18hrs and 48hrs interval. The highest efficacy at 1hr, 18hr and 48hr for all the 3 preparations were obtained when 4800 oocysts were exposed to 10g of either extracts as against 2.5g and 5.0g. Amprolium achieved highest efficacy at 1hr, 18hr and 48hrs of exposure with 74%, 84% and 91% unsporulated oocyst respectively when given at recommended dose of 1.5g in drinking water. Amprolium was found to be more effective in the treatment of coccidiosis than Allium sativum and Carica papaya extracts. On the other hand, A. sativum exhibits anticoccidial activity than C. papaya although the difference in efficacy of the two extracts was not statistically significant (p>0.05). However, it was experimentally proven from the invitro study that any of the used extracts may be alternatively use for the control of coccidiosis where orthodox drugs such as Amprolium are not available.

Keywords: Allium sativum, Carica papaya, Amprolium, Efficacy.

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How to Cite


Udo, E. J. and Abba, A. M.. (2018-04-23). "Comparative Study of In-Vitro Anti-Coccidial Efficacy of Allium Sativum and Carica Papaya." *Volume 2*, 2, 10-14